Why You Get Headaches as a Lash Tech | London Lash US Blog



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  • Why You May be Getting Headaches as a Lash Tech

    January 14, 2025 4 min read

    Why You Get Headaches as a Lash Tech | London Lash US Blog

    The Trials and Tribulations of Lash Techs, and Why Headaches Don’t Have to be One of Them.

    As Lash Techs, we have plenty of headaches, from client cancellations to potentially running out of the one product we didn’t know we needed today. What we don’t need to add to the mix is physical headaches! There are four reasons you may be getting more headaches than is considered normal as a Lash Technician, and what you can try to do to avoid them.

    Reason 1: Glue Fumes

    Eyelash extension glue gives off fumes, that’s a fact. There’s very little you can really do to prevent that, but there are a few things you can do to minimize its effect. 

    Firstly, double check your room temperature and humidity. If you know nothing about lash extension glue, you should know that its behavior is very dependent on what the temperature and humidity of the room around it is. If your humidity is too low, your glue will take longer to cure and as a result, the longer the fumes will be hanging around.

    Next, work from a Jade Stone instead of a glue ring. We really see the value in having your glue so close to hand while you’re working, but the fact of the matter is that it keeps the fumes super close to your airways, and to your clients’ airways too. There’s also the issue of glue not being as fresh from a glue ring and also a chance that you’ll overuse it, but the main issue when it comes to your health is the fumes.

    a jade stone for eyelash extension glue

    Lastly, if you don’t have windows that open or if opening windows leads to issues with your glue due to the changes in temperature and humidity, invest in something that will help the air to circulate. A Glamcor Flow is ideal for this as it doesn’t take up any additional floor space, and blows the fumes away quietly and thoroughly.

    Reason 2: Poor Lighting

    You need to be able to clearly see what you’re working on with anything small and close up—applying eyelash extensions is no exception! Poor visibility leads to poor application which can cause damage to our clients’ lashes, and that intense focus will also mean that you’re more likely to strain your eyes, leading to headaches. 

    a lash technician applying eyelash extensions for a client

    Great lighting will solve a lot of your issues here as it will allow you to see little details from further away, and will prevent eye strain. Natural light and regular lamps aren’t enough here, you need to really take your eye health seriously—not to mention your clients’ lash health—and invest in adjustable, super bright lighting like Glamcor Lights. They might seem like a big outlay, but they’re going to make up for that by protecting your health and your clients’ lashes. (They’re also great for making your lash photos even more amazing…)

    Reason 3: Bad Posture

    One thing that’s not often considered when it comes to headaches is that it can come from muscular tension in the back and shoulders. Prevention here then, comes down to two things: making sure your chair and lash bed are set up so that you’re comfortable and your spine is in alignment, and making sure you take time to move around and stretch between clients. 

    In terms of setting up your station to ensure you’re comfortable, think adjustability, think leg-room, and think client position. 

    An adjustable chair is a must, and a height adjustable lash bed is also a great idea. When it comes to accessorizing your lash bed, you’ll need to think about how your client is positioned. They should be at the right height for you to work without having to stretch, and without having to lean over too much. A good lash pillow will keep your client in the right position for you to lash them comfortably, while also keeping them comfortable. 

    a beauty bed in a lash salon with a memory foam pillow and a bed cover

    If you’re using a bed cover, choose one that has a cut out where your legs go so that you can get close to your client without having to put your legs in an uncomfortable position. Any position that puts lots of stress on your shoulders and neck is likely to wind up giving you headaches, so it’s well worth making sure you’re positioned well, and you take time to stretch, straighten up, and move around often to relieve this pressure.

    Reason 4: Dehydration

    It shouldn’t come as a surprise that being dehydrated often leads to headaches, as well as lack of concentration, tiredness and plenty of other issues. Make sure you always have a drink of water on hand—preferably in a closed bottle to prevent spillages—and take time to drink regularly throughout the day. 

    When it comes down to it, there will be days when you finish your last client and immediately want to crawl into bed to sleep off the headache—such as life. By making some small tweaks to the way you work, or by investing in a proper salon set up, you reduce the frequency of this happening considerably!