Heartbreaking Mistakes You’re Making As A Beginner Lash Tech | Break Up With Bad Retention!

Lash extensions retention refers to the length of time that lash extensions stay attached to the natural lashes. Having poor retention can be frustrating for clients and lash techs alike. It’s important to address any problems with retention, as this could be a sign that something you are doing needs improving. In this blog post, we’ll discuss some of the possible causes of poor lash extension retention and what can be done to fix them. 

Brushing through eyelash extensions with a mascara wand

Not Preparing the Natural Lashes Properly 

An essential part of every successful set of lash extensions is good preparation of the natural lashes prior to application. A thorough pretreatment routine is something we know how to do well, and it will help you massively! We recommend a 5 step routine, which might sound like overkill but TRUST US, we know what we’re talking about! Prepping those natural lashes can make or break a lash set, which is why we’ve put blood, sweat and tears (not literally, except the tears!) into each product for each step. Without proper prep work, the glue may not bond properly with the natural lashes and will cause premature shedding or even damage to the natural lashes - eek!


We know that you know what Lash Shampoo is and why to use it, so we’ll leave this one, but Protein Removing Pads? You might not know about these in quite so much depth. Sometimes it’s hard to really get close to the lash line with Lash Shampoo and a cleansing brush alone, but Protein Removing Pads allow you to really get in there and get the lash line squeaky clean!

lash shampoo, eyelash extensions cleanser


Eyelash Cleanser is alcohol based, which means that it strips the natural lash of any excess icky stuff. After using Cleanser though, you HAVE to use Primer. Primer acts a bit like a hair conditioner you’d use after shampoo, putting a little necessary moisture back into the lashes. These two were love at first sight, the yin to each other’s yang, the Bey to the Jay, etc. Grab them as a pair!


Because of Booster’s alkaline pH, when it’s applied to the base of the lashes it gently opens up the hair cuticles and makes the hair slightly rougher. This means that glue will be able to grip much better to the hair. 

In the case of Superbonder, it’s not actually a pretreatment product but it does go hand in hand with Booster. Superbonder is applied at the end of your treatment to immediately cure the lash glue whilst adding flexibility and without shock polymerizing. It also locks in glue fumes, which significantly reduces the risk of your clients having an allergic reaction. Add this duo to your lineup!

lash bond superbonder for lash extensions


Using The Wrong Glue For Your Level

The wrong type or strength of glue can also lead to poor retention. There’s a reason any lash supply website you visit will have at least 3 glues, and that’s because every lash tech has different needs – using a glue that’s too fast for you will give you poor retention. That’s a fact there’s no getting away from; the reason for that is simply that the glue will begin to cure before you can place it on the natural lash, which will prevent it from forming a strong bond between the extension and the natural lash.

Finding a glue that works for your speed, level, and room conditions (temperature and humidity level) is the key to good retention. Don't forget to look after it properly!

lash extensions glue, nozzle stuck in lid



We hate to say it, but it’s probably not your glues fault… it’s likely to be you. It’s up to you to make sure the glue you pick works with your room temperature, room humidity and your placement speed. A Hygrometer can definitely help you with the first two, and a shaker will ensure that your glue is perfectly mixed so you won’t have any issues with it not behaving the way you expect it to, due to it not being properly combined.

Applying Lashes Incorrectly 

Applying lashes incorrectly is another common problem for beginners in the lash industry. When starting out, be sure to take your time and focus on correctly placing each extension onto its corresponding natural lash in order to ensure good results. It is also important to consider where you apply each lash extension. For instance, if the lashes are growing downwards, if they are super curly, or if they point in various directions. Placing lashes at the right angle and correcting them if they lean will do amazing things for the overall look of your lash sets – look into getting a mentor or taking a masterclass if this is something you’re struggling with. 

Make sure too that you're using high quality tweezers that have been inspected before they ever go to stock...


using lash tweezers to isolate the lashes and apply eyelash extensions

Not Checking On The Lashes As You Go

Not checking how the lashes are looking as you are going along is another mistake that can easily be made – especially when you begin to work with different lengths or curls for different looks. While it may be tempting to do a complete set of D curls from 9mm - 15mm, if you only look at the results after the set is complete, if it’s messy… It's too late! Always strive towards a gorgeous top line, or if it’s a wispier look, then make sure the gaps aren’t too big. Take a lash mirror and just check as you go along – you’ll soon get a good idea if there are steps between lengths, gaps, or even a strange discrepancy between curls.


easy fan volume lashes, easy fanning lashes

Without a doubt, easy fanning lashes are some of our best selling lashes ever - instant wispy fans!

Applying Too Much Adhesive 

Using too much adhesive when applying lashes can be one of the biggest issues for beginner lash techs. Not only does this increase the risk of fumes irritating your client's eyes or skin, but it can also lead to premature shedding due to excess weight from too much adhesive buildup on the natural lashes, as well as the dreaded stickie! To avoid this mistake, practice proper application techniques on practice lashes or a mannequin until you feel comfortable with them before taking on clients. 

It’s also well worth practicing your dipping technique to ensure that you are not picking up too much lash adhesive. 

how much eyelash glue do you need per individual lash extension

All in all, there are lots of mistakes that you may make along the way when you’re just starting out, but don’t let these discourage you from becoming an amazing professional! By understanding why these things happen you can take steps towards improving your application process so that your clients enjoy long lasting results from their sets. Remember, lashing takes practice – it will take a while to build up your skills and you will learn as you go!