It's Time to Stop Blaming Your Lash Glue | London Lash



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  • It's Time To Stop Blaming Your Lash Glue!

    April 13, 2021 2 min read

    Problems with Lash Glue | London Lash USA

    Stop Blaming Your Lash Glue! 

    Many of you reading this might think what we’re about to say is very controversial but it’s time to face the truth. Before you complain that your glue is not working, you first need to check if you meet all the criteria that the product requires.

    Dispensing lash glue

    Firstly, did you choose the correct glue according to your experience?

    When buying lash glue, lots of people want the ‘strongest one’ but that does not always mean it's the best one for you. The strongest generally means the fastest drying so here is where the trouble lies. If you are placing a fan or lash and this usually takes you 3 - 5 seconds but you’re using a glue that dries in 0.5 - 1 second, then this glue will not work for you! To begin with, we always recommend choosing a glue that dries slower. Don’t worry! It will still do its job perfectly fine, it’ll just suit you and your level of experience much better. You can stop with the obsession that some glues are stronger than others, you can still get perfect retention with slower-drying glue too!

    Lash glue nozzle

    Secondly, you need to control your beauty room conditions!

    We hear all too often that your glue was working before and now all of a sudden it doesn't. This means that something has changed and trust us when we say, it's not the glue.

    What is the humidity in your working environment? What is the temperature? Do you know what the perfect conditions for the glue you’re using are? If you don’t, do not hesitate to ask your supplier, we’re sure they will be more than happy to help! A Hygrometer is the perfect gadget to use to determine your working conditions.

    hygrometer to measure room temperature and humidity

    Now, do you store your glue correctly and take good care of it?

    You should not be surprised that your glue becomes gloopy and your nozzle gets stuck if you are not taking care of it. After every single use, clean the glue nozzle, keep your glue in a cool, dry place and when shaking, make sure you remove the lid so there is no excess glue around the rim of the lid. And store your glue upright! 

    Lash glue storage holding eyelash glues

    Lastly, are you using the correct amount of glue? 

    Some glues are more runny than others so you will have to pick up more of it on the lash than if you are working with a glue that has a thicker consistency. You’ll grow to understand this much more as you continue to work with your glues.

    london lash glue, fast drying professional lash adhesive, Problems with retention

    So, what is the conclusion? 

    You need to get to know your glue as much as you would your future husband or wife! Trust us - your relationship with your lash adhesive has to be for better or for worse if you want to continue working as a lash artist. You will definitely have to know everything about your glue if you want this relationship to last!

    Blog written by London Lash Expert, Abi Madden

    London Lash trainer, London Lash adhesive, London Lash is the best